Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Clips (bands): Devo (girl you want/gates of steel) and Flight Facilities (crave you)
Monday, July 26, 2010
Creative Destruction mini reviews (update 2)

Not a big fan of vodka, but this Polish vodka (Luksusowa) is very good. Fresh tasting/smell (i.e not paint stripper), easy to drink (neat) and excellent to mix with. A quality Vodka.
Excellent for Vodka based Martini's (Luksusowa chills very well) and other vodka based cocktails.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Street Art/Stencil Art

For a spur of the moment on a bored Saturday night. Not bad. The breasts had a hell of lot of contrast detail (don't worry some nice naked stencils are coming), for the sake of a spontaneous stencil were removed. The face came out really well considering, as did the arms and hands above the head (hair). All and all the stencil works against a rough sand-plastered finish on a subway pass-way; kinda stands out with the red. 1st glance it looks like a women (as mentioned) stroking her hair, 2nd glance it looks like decapitation (arm, head) and blood.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
stencil art - Buenos Aires Argentina

from: http://www.cambsas.blogspot.com/ (all photo credit)
I am a big fan of street art, my brother was/is a famed graffiti artist of Melbourne (Australia) and I like stencil art. It all mergers together: graffiti, the modern, the decay and imprint of the ambiguous. There is something exciting and striking about an image that has been improvised (it's not supposed to be there) onto a building or structure, but it is now part of the building/structure. I like that.
Anyway there is a club in Buenos Ares I don't know the name but apparently it's facade is covered in stencil/graffiti art. You know the name? Send me an email
Above is a stencil art from the streets of Buenos Aires Argentina
Creative Destruction Store - Bright-sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America
In the vein of blog post Misplaced optimism is deadly - Alain de Botton
I love this quote re: Alain de Botton from the above link
"The modern bourgeois philosophy pins its hopes firmly on two great presumed ingredients of happiness, love and work. But there is vast unthinking cruelty discreetly coiled within this magnanimous assurance that everyone will discover satisfaction here. It is not that these two entities are invariably incapable of delivering fulfilment, only that they almost never do so for too long.
When an exception is misrepresented as a rule, our individual misfortunes, instead of seeming to us quasi-inevitable aspects of life, weigh down on us like particular curses. In denying the natural place reserved for longing and disaster in the human lot, the bourgeois ideology denies us the possibility of collective consolation for our fractious marriages, unexploited ambitions and exploded portfolios, and condemns us instead to solitary feelings of shame and persecution for having stubbornly failed to make more of ourselves"
I will be (slowly) migrating some of the MEC store stuff over to Creative DestructionTuesday, July 20, 2010
Metal: Obituary 'Don't Care'
"I really don't care" A kinda 'I am over it' mantra. Works for me on a good day...
Great stuff. I mean metal could define apocalyptic, turmoil, 'shit hits the fan' stuff more so than any other music genre. You gotta respect that.
Creative Destruction mini reviews (update 1)

Gran Centenario Reposado. Here we go, this is the best Tequila I have tasted to date! Amazingly smooth, nice hint of spice, sweet agave taste is there (very important), floral (nose).
Not for mixing. Drink it straight in a sipper, double shot glass or aperitif glass. With a side glass of Sangrita.
Although you could make a killer Margarita, or Tequila Ricky with Gran Centenario Reposado, because it is such a premium tasting Tequila.
Monday, July 19, 2010
The surreal is the real.
"Beware of bank patrons bearing bouquets.
Last Thursday morning, the police said, a man walked into the Bank of Smithtown branch at 127 Seventh Avenue near 18th Street in Chelsea. He was carrying a multicolor array of posies in cellophane wrap, fresh from the florist.
The man produced a note from inside the bouquet and handed it to the teller, the police said. It read, “Give me all your $100’s, 50’s, don’t be a hero.”
flower man 'bank robber': "don't be a hero" !!! hahahahahah...great stuff
Thursday, July 15, 2010
crazy cocktails - The Brain Hemmorhage
The variety and choices of different cocktails is amazing; but the fundamental and extremely important factor is 1. You use premium spirits/liqueurs 2. Fresh Fruit and juices
There are some funky, messed up ones that work very well hence the Brain Hemorrhage cocktail.
Below are some pics of the Brain Hemorrhage (that I prepared):

15mil (or 1/2 ounce) of Peach Schnapps ( quality German spirit with no suger/not US made)
30 mil (of 1 ounce) of Baileys Irish Cream
Strawberry Liqueur like Creme De Framboise (French)
In a shot class add the Peach Schnapps first then layer the Irish cream (use a bar spoon to layer), next dribble the strawberry liqueur's over the Baileys Irish cream. Due to the Liqueur's heavy sugar content it should fall directly to the bottom on the shot class (beneath the Schnapps)
The out come will resemble a piece of brain floating in a shot glass with it's juices/blood.
The taste? Great! The Peach Schnapps mixed with the Baileys Irish Cream and the strawberry liqueur all complement each other very well.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Creative Destruction mini reviews
Fuck what a crappy game. Short missions, terrible controls and a overenthusiastic mess by the creators. To think that the butnuts at the Australian Classification Review Board wanted to ban this for it's 'shocking' content. Bizarre.
Bioshock 2 (P3 game)
Boring, tedious and silly.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Melbourne City 'laneway' street art has peaked 2010

photo: C.D blog
A rough guess is the boom in street art on Melbourne's lane ways lasted form 2000 to 2008.
The local city council caught a wift of the boom (?) of street art and in 2008 decided to create a panel (street art assessment panel or if you prefer: SAAP) to judge street art as a protected 'tourist' resource. Hence in 2008 renown UK street artist 'Banksy' work was protected by a clear plexiglass sheet. Of course the irony is that until recently in April 2010, one of Banksy's other works was destroyed by council cleaners, doing what they do best; cleaning. But with council/gov interest you also get low level commercial interest. Which would be the clubs, bars, cafes that have sprung up around and inside these 'laneways', not to forget the development of apartments and refurbishment of various decrepit buildings (slightly above low level commercialization).
Similar to the now defunct 'hells kitchen' CBGB's (NYC) club and it's infamous laneway at the back of the club, which now has new apartments blocks at both ends.
So a seeping commercial presence has inevitably dulled the 'edginess' of Melbourne lane way street art, that and also the hundreds of 'bill board' posters (selling/promoting everything from shows, clubs, DJ's, hair products etc) that have sprung up in all of the laneways. To the extent that the Melbourne City council has erected frames on the side of lane way walls dedicated to billboards.
After recently visiting some of the laneways on Saturday 10th July 2010, it felt banal, boring and safe. With literally most of the art covered up by bill boards and council paint jobs.
We all just have to wait for the decay to set back in with the crazies, druggies, muggers returning in the near future...and of course the street artists.
Duckboard place Melbourne City. From here