Too much excess creates cesspools, like too much rain, we get these puddles that form everywhere. Until it drys up. Our society/economic/socially is excess based driven, yes you can argue that a reset is coming, I actually believe this too. But in the meantime a shit load of cesspools out there, which can, at times, fuse into interesting aspects of popular culture. But that is rare on the whole, rather excessiveness maintains a cesspool fixture.
It is rarity, anticipation, seduction all wrapped into want and desire that creates are far more rewarding experience/s. Ok, I am rambling, but aspects of excess (and the cesspools it creates) from our main culture also form in parts of sub-culture, namely pornography. Which has it's place in our culture no doubt, but porn and the culture of excessive sexualization has kinda reached a peak. It is 'fast food' visual gratification, that works on a good day, but it's after effects are dulling. Meaning? It's boring. You can not build or maintain desire with pornography, it does it for you in a blatant barrage of imagery. Within is bland, unmoving and ultimately dissatisfying.
But sometimes good things push through, conscious or not.
Like Faye Reagan, beautiful features, divine red hair (red heads are divine), freckles. She looks striking.
(side note : The interviewer has to hit that awfully patronizing, 'she knows what shes doing', or 'she aint lost' label. Tedious.)
From Oyster Magazine
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